

Combating Wildlife Crime

“Theory of Change” approach. We are involved in actively helping to protect African wildlife and communities. Please ask for our new project “LAST CHANCE” to save the Rhinos from extinction.

Alpha Aid believes educating local communities of how to live and interact with local wildlife. Educating locals of the severe effects of the extinction while empowering them with ethical means of sustainability are the key to a successful implementation of the Theory of Change.

In 2016, our directors created this non-profit project in Africa. Alpha Aid has a comprehensive understanding of the serious impact of wildlife crime. Poached animals are not the only ones affected by wildlife crime. Local communities, ecosystems and resources are too negatively affected by wildlife crime and revenue from poaching contributes to the funding of terrorism. We are proud to have developed strategic approaches and are ready to expand our strategy.

Alpha Aid believes in educating and cooperating with local communities on how to live and interact with local wildlife while protecting their property. Educating locals on the severe effects of species extinction while empowering them with ethical means of sustainability are the key to a successful implementation of the Theory of Change (ToC). We have designed a successful approach to combat wildlife crimes which revolves around this premise.

One of these objectives is to have the local community actively involved with our efforts in anti-poaching enforcement and reporting any suspicious or known activity. In addition to education, we will utilize and source all required resources to investigate, provide intelligence, enforce and monitor anti-poaching laws established.

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